Sep 11, 2016 | pgervais | 1279 views
Peewee Rep Final Roster
On behalf of the coaching staff, we would like to thank all the players that
came out and participated in this year's tryouts.
Congratulations to the following players on being selected for the 2016-17 Dresden Rep team:
Justin A.
Jaxon A.
Kylan C.
Caden C.
Leah G.
Connor H.
Cameron J.
Robert J.
Cohen J.
Tyler J.
Brady K.
Lucas K.
Tyler M.
Kayden N.
Blake S.
Owen W.
David W.
All players listed, please report to the next practice on
Tuesday, September 13th at 8:00-9:50pm. Full equipment required.
Those players not listed, please report to the next
Peewee Local League practice on Saturday, September 17th 3:00-4:10pm.