Sep 12, 2015 | Ian Avery | 979 views
2015-16 Novice Rep Team
Great final scrimmage today. Final decisions were tough, and that is due to the high level of play all of you displayed on the ice. The list below is composed of this year's Novice Rep team. If your son/daughter's name does NOT appear on this list, please bring them to the Novice Local League practice on Friday, Sept.18th from 5:30-6:50pm.
Brandon T. Nolan J.
Derek N. Mitchell P.
Kohen P. Kaden K.
Konnor S. Kurtis S.
Kameron K. Max A.
Cam M. - G Emma Mc - G
Novice Rep practices are on Wednesday nights this year from 7:00-7:50pm. We will be having our parent meeting in the very near future. We have an exhibition game tomorrow vs. Southwest (in Bothwell!) at 11:30am, please arrive 30 minutes prior. Congratulations!